Common Services

Partytown is built with the goal that any third-party script can be ran from within it. At the lowest level, any script can add the type="text/partytown" attribute to have it executed from a web worker.

Below is a list of plugins / libraries that are tested & known to be working with Partytown with their commonly used forward configs and proxied domains.

ServiceForward ConfigProxy Domain
Facebook Pixel“fbq”“”
Freshpaint“freshpaint.addPageviewProperties”, “freshpaint.identify”, “freshpaint.track”
Google Tag Manager“dataLayer.push”
Hubspot Tracking“_hsq.push”
Klaviyo“_learnq.push”“”, “”
TikTok Pixel“ttq.track”, “”, “ttq.load”

If you would like to add to this list,

  • Refer to the “for Plugin Authors / Developers” section to see how you can validate whether a library / plugin works with Partytown.
  • Send us a PR so that we can have a scenario checked in that validates it.
  • Please edit this doc to add your plugin / library and its configuration so that others can start using it!
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